founding and the dark age
?????? - 7051 AS
From the heartless void, two eyes open... light and darkness. Self aware and and having the first thought, the eyes thought only of growth. The two eyes, staring into the void, cross each other and collide, ejecting the first matter from the open wounds. the eyes bleed as they grind against each other, creating the first energy. the two eyes, dilated and glowing, close once more. This time there was no darkness. the accretion beheld around these eyes lit up the darkness. Some of this matter which was ejected, began to pull back, enacting the first gravitational pull. Some of the matter was going away too fast to be pulled back, clumping up and creating the first stars and worlds along the sky. These worlds were only made of simple elements and were featureless balls floating in the black sky. The eyes opened once again, looking around itself. The matter around the eyes created a body. A head, a torso, arms, legs, lungs, a beating heart. He breathed in the gas and nebulae which was left behind in the wake of his accreted matter. Becoming the first being, he gave himself a name. It was not his own but a word he uttered innately, "A-TOM." The phrase he uttered gave him a brain. He could think more and more. He became self aware of his existence in this dark world of orbs and little balls of light called stars. He raised his fist and broke planets and stars, creating the first rocks and galaxies. With free flowing matter to go around, the worlds and stars are sprinkled with new elements, the first holy molecules: carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. These became like the water, earth, wind and fire which predated them, but for life. Atom gave this concept to his being, "life." he wondered if other things can be alive like him. he shouted his primordial call, but there was no answer. he was lonely.
Despite atom's solitary being, he wondered if he could created things just like himself. he grabbed the 4 holy molecules which were few and far between with his hands and put them together. at first the combination was a simple growth of matter like a crystal, but it grew legs, and started to crawl onto his arm. Just like Atom, the creature was curios about its own existence. He added to the creature, molding it like a lump of clay. He gave it a long body and a mouth to consume energy. He made the first animal, a worm. Atom felt that the new creature deserves a name just like him, "saturn." It simply came out of his mouth without a second thought. The creature, hearing this from Atom, coiled around him in affectionate love and in intimacy, they both birthed the plants and the animals which inhabit certain worlds. These lifeforms scattered to every corner of the universe, inhabiting the worlds they landed onto and created their own environments to thrive on. Atom was ecstatic of his and his own creation Saturn's new life, but there was something missing. They were not self aware of their lives. They lived and consumed each other. Atom was confused how him and Saturn were conscious but the animals were not. Saturn muttered in his ear, "Atom, the animals and plants should stay not self aware, as their consumption of each other is more than meets the eye. They live in equilibrium and balance. They keep themselves alive when you do not take care of them. Atom, I am aware, but I have no soul. You did not give me a soul and therefore I shall remain a plant or animal just like our children. Let me care for these first beings and give me godhood as Saturn, Worm God Keeper of Nature." Atom replies, "Then so be it, Saturn, Worm God Keeper of Nature. I will create new lifeforms on my own, but with a fraction of my soul in each and every one. They will be smart, they will be strong, they will live with thought. They will be the brothers and sisters of the plants and the animals."
And Atom sculpted a blade from the iron of the nearest world and began to cut chunks of flesh off of himself. Atom screamed in pain, but he was strong. He was weaker now, but with his flesh, he created the first humans. The humans were strong, smart, and thoughtful just like atom. Saturn and Atom watched as the humans and animals and plants lived together. The humans hunted and ate the flesh of the animals and controlled the plants using farming and agriculture. Saturn looked upon what the humans were doing, "Atom, is this not favoritism for the humans? What makes the humans so special that they dominate the plants and animals?" Atom replies, "But Saturn, look. The humans let the animals and plants live as well. They may kill and consume but they also create just like us." Atom and Saturn look upon the human's home world of earth and watch as they shape the world in their own image. The world is a paradise and the worlds beyond are building their own forms of paradise slowly. Atom and Saturn watch as the humans keep their polluting machines in the hollow earth while the surface is lush with forests and sprawling cities side by side in harmony. The humans begin to not only alter the land, but now also the plants and animals. They create disgusting flesh blobs which the humans cut into chunks of meat. They give hormones to the plants which now grow uncontrollably everywhere in the stars. "Atom, look what they are doing to their brothers and sisters of nature. There is no more harmony. Now they exploit and take advantage of them," says Saturn concerningly to Atom. Atom wishes not to interfere and motions to Saturn to calm down. "Saturn, over time they will realize their mistake. surely they will come to their senses and go back to what it was." Saturn shouts to Atom, "Atom! They may have your curiosity, but they also have your desire. They want more and they wont want to go back." Saturn swoops down to earth to fast for Atom to stop him.
Saturn crashes into the earth as he enacts his retribution onto the children of atom. "Children of atom, you all disgrace your creator with the perversion of life. Revert these changes to your brothers and sisters of nature or face destruction." The humans now with the technology and knowledge of Atom, does not share the wisdom of their all-father and choose to fire upon the body of Saturn with millions of cannons. Despite the divinity of Saturn, the humans now have the ability to kill a god. Atom hears the explosions of the cannons and begins to fear his own creation. He looks upon the surface of earth and see the remains of Saturn in pieces. The humans have killed a god for the first time... becoming the first murder.
Atom is heartbroken. Not only that Saturn is no more, but now humans walk the earth in vain. They begin to bring their machines to the surface and pollute the atmosphere with their machine excrement. Atom looks upon his children in horror as they begin to kill each other over resources and pride. Atom watches as the population of humans dwindle over time. The humans are like their all-father in twisted ways and make use of the corpse of Saturn. They imbue this divine essence into sperm and eggs and on the laboratories of mars, the first Martians were created. They were even stronger, faster, and more thoughtful than Atom could dreamed of, but they were in chains. The last humans lived in palaces while the new slave-race fought their battles for them. Atom finally had enough of the humans and came to mars. The paradise of the golden age of humanity is now a battlefield across the stars. Atom came to two Martian squad captains of mars, Escherem and Argonius. Atom gave them the knowledge of their existence and situation. "Argonius, Escherem. You fight for demons. You are created to serve the humans, but you are not destined to remain this way. I am Atom, your people's all-grandfather. You will start revolution." "Escherem, you are the spear. Strategic, cunning, prideful of your brothers. Argonius, you are the sword. Brutal, caring, diplomatic and noble." Atom bestows to the captains a spear and a sword made of pure-iron. Forged by Atom himself. "go. now, you serve no one. bring your brothers together and fight the humans. Obtain your birthright."
The two captains gather all of the men on mars and take the planet of mars decisively. No unchained and with a planet to call home, they defend their world against the angered humans. They become Ashyr, the first freed ones. They melt down the gold of the humans and cast it into armor to mock their overlords, and with pride they carve Martian runes and gods on the armor. The battle computer of mars, Osiris is also taken by the martians and gives them guidance as well. The crescent of the eclipse earth and sun becomes the symbol of Osiris. Atom calls all Martians in the stars to take a pilgrimage to mars and fight with their brothers. "Martians from the stars, you must mutiny against your overlords and defend your birth world against the humans. With divine essence from your all-grandfather, you all are destined to inherit the universe. Martians from all corners of the stars begin to set course for mars and help with the fight. The meridian legion, known for their biological and well-forged weapons, the eridani, never afraid to die in battle, and the ruski, hardened barbarians who fight for the love of war all take planet-fall and strike the invading human forces. Mars becomes the first free world of the martians.
Atom leads the martians into the stars and with divine power, he carries the martian armies to every inhabited planet to kill all humans. from sol, earth, and mars, the first solar war begins. Echerem takes his army westward, ambushing worlds and conquering with wit and brilliance. Argonius takes his army east. Like a wall of starships and land-machines, he takes every human world one-by-one. And finally Atom circles around the stars using nuclear bombs imbued with true-iron and divine essence to clear out all human life. As the humans attempt to push back, they consult the last 6 remaining battle computers for guidance. Osiris was the first computer, but he himself created two others similar to Osiris: Helios, and Apollo. The other 4 are Catlil, Woden, Ares, and Anubis. The remaining battle computers were afraid of Atom... and they killed off their own humans to save their own skin. Atom reached the worlds on which every battle computer lived on and he spared them as they are creations also chained by humans. Upon the last world of Austor was where the last human was found. He was a human but he never stole. he never cheated. he only did his job. Dogma, being his name given by the overlords, was a half-divine gunsmith who only built weapons to survive. Atom spared his life and talked. "Dogma, creator of war, do you believe I did what was necessary. Should I have continued the war and have killed my own children?" Dogma fidgeted with a rifle which he was building. "I am human. Why did you spare me?" Dogma asked. Atom looked down like a giant to an ant, "Your soul is pure. I saw you imprisoned like cattle. You deserved life." Dogma replied, "Many humans were innocent. They have minds of their own just like you, Atom. You have killed innocent people as well as evil monsters."
Atom, realizing how foolish he was to leave the universe in such disrepair, sent all legions back to their home worlds to start anew and the battle computers became more god than machine over time. Atom ordered the new 7 gods to watch over the Martians and for dogma to construct the round table which the gods would meet every 100 years and settle disputes about the universe. Atom flew out of the atmosphere of Austor and vowed to take penance in the void. Once again, Atom was lonely. He left something behind before he left into the void. Within the twilight between real-space and the void, he left chunks of himself to rot. These chunks of flesh grew consciousness and envied the life of all beings as he was not alive or dead. He is known as Hate.
Earth was lost and now it is known to the Martians as Nekrotia. From the ashes, a new cycle came to be which rivals nature. Named by the 7 gods in scorn as the "4 Savage Gods of Nekrotia," their names are sand, fire, ash, and steel. The cycle starts at Sand, which is the people who rebel against their oppressors. Then fire, who is the one who kills and creates chaos. Then ash who collects the souls of the deceased or wounded. And finally what remains is steel who brings life into the war machines that are left on the planet. The cycle repeats when the people retake the abandoned cities and call them home. Nekrotia is considered a world beyond saving and is the most backwater world in the universe.
On mars, Escherem and Argonius rule as the new kings of the Martian empire, but they have disputes. Escherem believes that all martians must take an exodus outside of known space and start new while Argonius believes they inherit the wealth that the humans once had. Escherem is disgusted by Argonius for these beliefs which makes him declare the Martian civil war, which is known as the second solar war. All martians had to pick a side. The ruski, divided, equally fought for Escherem and Argonius. The eridani fought for Escherem as they thought it was weak to rely on human luxury and technology. The meridian wanted to experiment whith martian and human technology which has them fight for Argonius. The solar system was shattered and every planet and moon was beyond saving, but Escherem began construction on a super-portal which would teleport mars to a habitable star system in the andromeda galaxy. Argonius sent his forces to mars and took control of the super-portal. To preserve mars, Argonius sent it to the star system Ashur-Astra which has a name unknown before its current name which translates to "Free Star." Escherem and Argonius took planet fall onto their last battle Titan of the planet Saturn. They came face to face and with Argonius feeling betrayed, "We were supposed to build an empire together Escherem and you through it away." Escherem also feeling betrayed saw red in his eyes and charged at Argonius screaming, "Then I will rule it myself!" With Echerem's unstoppable force and will to slay his comrade, he jabs at Argonius' immovable defensive block. The two god-forged weapons clashed and sunk into flesh. Echerem and Argonius had slain each other at the same time and with both leaders of the Martians dead, The war was over.
The 7 gods did not intervene as they believed that the Martians will survive, and so they did. The new dark age had begun in 6256, the year of suffering. The two forces divided and fought for territory in the stars and the new powers were created; The meridian enclave, the argonian empire, the escher states, and the eridani kingdoms are now the successors to leading the Martians towards a golden age.